

BDT. 1,700.00

IN Stock


Each ml contains Trimethoprim BP 80 mg and Sulphadiazine BP 400 mg.


Bacterials infections sensitive to sulphadiazine and trimethoprim such as colibacillosis, salmonellosis, fowl typhoid, fowl cholera, enteritis, infectious coryza, mycoplasmosis or CRD etc. It is also indicated to prevent secondary bacterial diseases followed by ranikheth, gumboro etc.

Dosage & Administration 

For treatment of poultry:

1 ml/ 5 liter water daily for 4-6 consecutive days. (The dose should be 15 mg/ kg body weight daily).

For Prevention:

1 ml/ 10 liter water daily for 2-3 consecutive days.

For treatment of fish:

Daily 1 ml/ 16 kg fish or 30 mg/ kg fish mixing with feed (1% of body weight) for 7-10 days.